2012 Q1 Arlington Bike Counts – Double the Numbers!
Originally posted on CommuterPageBlog.
Click the picture to embiggen | Graph data table
The unseasonably warm weather that the DC region experienced this past winter is quite apparent in the numbers taken using Arlington County’s automated counters.The unseasonably warm weather that the DC region experienced this past winter is quite apparent in the numbers taken using Arlington County’s automated counters. Take a look at the above graph to see how bicycle ridership on the trails saw a huge spike from February to March, in some cases more than doubling! *Note that the steep decrease for March at W&OD Columbia Pike numbers was due in part to a counter malfunction.
But how does these numbers compare to year over year changes? Let’s take a look at February & March numbers from past years at our longest running counter on the Custis Trail at the top of the hill near Rosslyn:
February, 2010 – 933 (snowmageddon!)
February, 2011 – 12766
February, 2012 – 20968
March, 2010 – 23362
March, 2011 – 24027
March, 2012 – 37465
That’s a pretty impressive increase in 2012!
Graph data
Counter Location | Feb. 2012 Count | Mar. 2012 Count |
CC Connector bikes only | 8678 | 17301 |
Custis Bon Air bikes only | 14172 | 26752 |
Custis Rosslyn bikes only | 20968 | 37465 |
Key Bridge bikes only | 30822 | 52011 |
MVT Airport bikes only | 25313 | 53832 |
TR Island Bridge bikes only | 17805 | 35831 |
W&OD Bon Air Park bikes only | 11059 | 23558 |
W&OD Columbia PIke bikes only | 9723 | 3060 |
W&OD East Falls Church bikes only | 11467 | 24710 |
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