Increase Your Skill Level with A Bike Class
We currently offer three types of adult bike classes for various skill levels whether a beginner or more advanced. Choose a class that fits your skill level and get live in-person instruction from bike experts in Arlington.

[Bike Classes] [Group Rides][Tips for Riding]

Beginner Group Rides

One of the best ways to feel more confident on a bike is to join others. We have designed a group for beginners. It’s a manageable distance (3-4 miles) on trails. Together we will explore Arlington by bike and have tons of fun along the way
We update our events calendar with upcoming rides and classes, be sure to check it occasionally. CTA: BikeArlington Events

What kind of rides would be helpful to you?

We want to know what other events and ride would be helpful to you! Would you like a bike maintenance class? More group rides or classes on riding in streets? Text us at xxxxxxxxx and let us know what types of events and classes you would like to see.

Tips For Riding

Ride at your comfort level and speed.

There is no speed requirements in bike lanes, if you want to take it slow and enjoy your ride. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable circumstance or section of your route, don’t be afraid to go onto the sidewalk. If you ride on the sidewalk, remember that you must yield to pedestrians, but this is a great way to help yourself get comfortable riding.

Ride with others.

In biking, there is safety in numbers. When there are more people biking, drivers are more likely to take notice and provide more space. This also gives you someone to practice with as you start to feel more comfortable biking on your own.

Practice with short rides.

You don’t have to immediately start biking to work every day. Instead, try biking to your friend’s house or the pharmacy. Short bike trips are a great way to save a little time, while getting your body active. These trips are often familiar ones where you are more likely to feel comfortable along the bike route as you adjust to being around cars.