Bike of The Week: Pete’s Bike

headshot of bikearlington program manager david balick
David Balick Tweet Us August 11, 2021

David Balick is the Program Manager for BikeArlington. Originally from Arlington, he bikes as much as he can and is always on the lookout for new, interesting trails in the area.

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Meet Pete's three decade old mountain bike and submit your bike for a chance to be featured as bike of the week in Arlington.

Welcome to our new Arlington Bike of the Week series. This is an opportunity for people in Arlington to tell us more about how they use their bikes to explore Arlington. This week, local bike rider shared his bike that he’s owned for almost three decades. Learn more about Pete’s bike below.

Bike Of The Week - Pete

“I own a base model Trek “mountain” bike that I got for my 14th birthday back in the early 1990s. At almost 30 years old, only the frame, front derailleur, and shifter are original. In 2018, I replaced the original fork with a Crust Clydesdale.”

Bike Of The Week - Pete

“I use this bike for errands and grocery store trips. Before the pandemic, I used the bike to take my oldest to school in a WeeHoo trailer on my way to work. In 2019, we used it to complete the 2019 Disaster Relief Trials. Good times!”

– Pete
Arlington, VA

Submit Your Bike

To get featured as Arlington’s bike of the week, tag @bikearlington on Instagram or Twitter, or send a direct message, with a photo of your bike. When you submit your photos, let us know the following:

  • How long you’ve had your bike?
  • How do you primarily use your bike?
  • Favorite place to ride your bike?
  • What do you love most about your bike?
  • Just by submitting your bike, you will be automatically entered into a giveaway for a $50 gift card to Spokes Etc. Bike Shop!

    Photos courtesy of Pete.

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