Bike Safely

You’re nearly on your way to biking with confidence! Here are some safety tips to keep in mind.

What Does Being a PAL Mean?

We are all safest when everyone does their part to follow the rules of the road. So, being a PAL simply means to be predictable, alert, and lawful. By following these simple reminders, you will create a more pleasant trip for yourself and the road users around you.


Ride so others can see you and predictor your movement. For instance, use hand signals to indicate when you are turning.


Scan the route ahead for traffic, opening car doors, people walking, and obstacles on the road surface.


Obey all traffic signals, signs, and lane markings.

CTA: Learn More about PAL

How To Ride On the Road

It is almost always best to ride in a bike lane. Always ride in the same direction as the flow of traffic. If there is no bike lane present, you can ride on the road. Learn how to make a left turn. On the road, it is safest to “take the lane,” and ride in the middle of the lane, which makes you more visible and gives you distance from parked cars. It is also legal to ride on the sidewalks in Arlington, but laws vary across the region.

Virginia Bike Laws

Bike laws vary from state to state, and even county to county. Here are some things you should know about bike riding in Arlington:

  • In Arlington it is legal for a bike to be ridden on a sidewalk unless it is specifically signed as prohibited.
  • Every person age 14 or younger is required to wear a protective helmet whenever riding or being carried on a bicycle.
  • Bicycle users must come to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights in Arlington, just as motor vehicles are required to.
  • Every bicycle ridden between sunset and sunrise is required to have one white headlight on the front and a rear red reflector on the back.

Bike Accessories

Bike Lights

It is important for your safety and the safety of others that you have a white light on the front of your bike and a red light on the back, especially if you are planning on riding in the dark. To learn more about how to outfit your bike with lighting to meet your needs, click here.


In Arlington, all those 14 and younger are required to wear a helmet while riding, but we recommend a helmet for all bike users. Keeping your head covered helps to protect your one and only brain and models the importance of safety to the children around you. You can get a helmet at any of the local bike shops or can even get a special Capital Bikeshare helmet at the Arlington Commuter Store in Ballston, Rosslyn, or Crystal City.

Bike Bell

Bike bells are an important tool for alerting those around you of your presence on the road or trail. Bells are not required by law but are certainly recommended to increase safety for everyone around you, yourself included.

Bike Rack & Panniers

A bike rack and side bags (or panniers) are a great way to take your bike to the next level, allowing you to carry more with you. A bike is an incredible resource that can allow you to carry and move more than you might think. Panniers are great for grocery shopping and commuting.