Sweet Treats Ride Recap
What is better than cookies, pies, ice cream, and candy? Getting all of these things on a beautiful Saturday morning via bike.
Cookies, pies, ice cream, and candy! What could be better? Getting all these things on a beautiful Saturday morning via bike, that’s what!
On Saturday, July 27, we gathered with 17 bike riders to explore the sweeter side of Arlington. Some came alone. Some brought friends. Some even brought their kids. All were eager to get goodies from places they hadn’t yet tried.
We met at Nicecream in Arlington. After gathering everyone, we went over the rules of the road and the places we would be visiting. Some stopped in Nicecream to try out the weekly flavors at the local shop.
From Nicecream we hopped on our bikes and rode the Arlington Ridge Trail to S Walter Reed Dr to our second stop—Acme Pies. The pies are seasonal and delicious! I even purchased a blackberry pie to go for my mom.
After everyone finished eating their pie, we rode down S Walter Reed Dr to Shirlington Rd over to Best Buns Bread Company. We sat outside and feasted on the best chocolate chip and toffee cookies!
After that much sugar, one would think we had enough. But not us, we still had one last stop—Sugar Factory in Pentagon City. They have bins of candy on one side and a restaurant on the other. The route took us via Four Mile Run Trail and S Eads St, leading us to our final stop. We went inside to grab their plastic bags and fill them with candy.
The ride was now at the end. We had our fill of sugar. One parent told me that her 12-year-old son was not very athletic, but he did seem to like biking. He came up to me at the end and said, “This ride rocks!” That made my day!
Missed this ride? No worries! We have lots of rides and events coming up this fall. Check them out by clicking below.
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