Bike Social Scene: Coffee Meetups & Coffeeneuring

erin potter bikearlington
Erin Potter Tweet Us @BikeArlington@BikeArlington October 24, 2018

Erin Potter is the former Program Manager for BikeArlington.

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Biking’s best weather is upon us, so bust out your sweaters and share a warm beverage with your friends at coffee meetups or join the latest coffeeneuring challenge!

Fall has arrived in Arlington, leaves have started to change colors, and temperatures are dipping overnight. It’s a great time of year to combine two of my favorite things: a casual bike ride and a perfect cup of coffee. If you’re looking for a good excuse to ride bikes and drink coffee this fall, like I do, there are plenty of local opportunities to make that happen.

Coffee Clubs: Year-round

Coffee meet-ups have been a staple of the local #BikeDC social scene for years. They operate like informal drop-ins. First-time attendees can expect to be greeted warmly and welcomed to the world of early AM conversation and caffeine consumption. While many of the first established coffee clubs meet on Friday mornings, there are now options every weekday with a variety of locations. A full list of coffee clubs can be found on the Washington Area Bike Forum.

Coffeeneuring Challenge

October 12 – November 25

The Couffeeneuring Challenge is pioneered by local rider Mary Gersemalina (aka Chasing Mailboxes), and she describes the challenge as “a relaxed cycling endeavor for people everywhere. If you like riding a bike and enjoy drinking coffee or tea (or even hot chocolate or cider), consider this challenge.”

The challenge, now in its eighth year, encourages people to ride to seven different places to drink warm beverages over a six to seven week period. Over 300 riders from across the country and abroad participated in previous years, earning warm fuzzy feelings, caffeine buzzes, and patches.
This challenge kicked off on October 12 and runs until November 25. The basic rules are:

  • Ride your bike to seven places that sell or serve coffee.
  • Each trip must be at least two miles round-trip each time.
  • Consume seven cups of coffee (tea, cider, or hot chocolate).
  • Take pictures as proof of your coffeeneuring.

Visit for the complete set of rules and how to submit your rides.

Editor’s Note: This blog was published in October 2017 and has been republished with new information written by Suzanne Patel.

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