Bikes on Trail

Maps and Routes

Ready to explore more? We’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re going alone, with family, and friends, or planning to use a road, trail, or sidewalk, we’re committed to helping you explore Arlington with confidence.

Learn more: 
View the Cherry Blossom Bike Map
Plan Your Next Bike Trip 
Navigate the County’s Bicycle Network
Stress-Free Routes for All Ages
Explore Regional Bike Trails and Lanes
Self-guided Tours

Plan Your Next Bike Trip

Let us know where you’re going and we’ll help you get there by bike with a customized bike route. (turnaround time is 3-5 business days)

Navigate the County's Bicycle Network

Get to know Arlington County’s network of trails, bike lanes, and bike routes with Arlington County’s 2019 Bike Map. Updated May 2021.  (PDF, 3.7 MB)

Stress-Free Routes for All Ages

Get alternative, stress-free routes to help all ages get around Arlington with ease using the Arlington County 2019 Bicycle Comfort Level Map. (PDF, 5.0 MB)

download the comfort map


For a free printed map, submit a request, visit an Arlington The Commuter Store, or call 703.228.RIDE (7433).

Explore Regional Bike Trails and Lanes

From Montgomery County to Fairfax, these bike maps will help you explore all the trails and bike lanes in the region.

washington dc bike map cta
Alexandria bike map cta
fairfax bike map cta
montgomery count bike map cta
va bike map cta
#BikeDC regional map cta

Self-Guided Arlington Tours

Download a self-guided tour of Arlington and discover all the County has to offer on two wheels.

CTA - tourARLLOOP-min
aurora higlands cta
CTA - tourEFCWestover-min
heart of arlington tour cta
CTA - tourlubberbarcroft-min
CTA - tourPotomacOverlook-min