Our New PAL Ambassadors Program Launches
Learn how you can be a PAL Ambassador and make a difference on the streets of Arlington County - are you ready to be predictable, alert and lawful?
BikeArlington launched our PAL campaign this spring with the strong sentiment that no matter who we are, or how we choose to get around town, our roadways depend on the social contract of everyone following the rules and paying attention. Whether we’re walking, driving, or biking we rely on our fellow road-users to be PALs — Predictable. Alert. Lawful.
Who’s a PAL Ambassador?
You! PAL Ambassadors are folks who care about their neighborhood and making our streets safer. They’re folks who love Arlington and are passionate about making the case for community. In fact, PAL Ambassadors are the driving force to change the culture on our roadways. They’ll be the smiling faces behind the steering wheels, handlebars or on the sidewalk. They’ll stress the importance of being more predictable, more alert, and more lawful. And they’ll lead eye-catching and interactive campaigns to improve roadway behavior, etiquette, and interactions — especially interactions between drivers and bicyclists.
Look for a trailer sign being pulled around town by our friendly bicycle volunteers and expect to see popup block parties coming to a street corner near you!
Become a PAL Ambassador
We know you love living here. If you’re like us, you’ve probably spent some time daydreaming about how to show that love with the people that you meet in your neighborhood: Maybe you’ve brainstormed slogans. Maybe you’ve imagined cheery chalk messages to write on the sidewalk and in bike lanes. Maybe you’ve coined a clever bumper sticker for your car, bike fender, or patch for your jacket or bag. Maybe we’ve got the perfect volunteer gig for you!
Would you hold a homemade sign? Would you recruit your fellow Arlingtonians to brandish them? Would you stand on a street corner exclaiming “Hello everyone! Be a PAL! A Predictable, Alert, Lawful road-user!”?
Would you consider being an awesome volunteer for an awesome new program? BikeArlington and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association are putting volunteer PAL Ambassadors on the streets across Arlington County, and we want you!
There are four ways to get involved:
- Agree to be a PAL — a more Predictable, Alert and Lawful road user.
- Come to a monthly block party! We’ll select a message, get creative, and take to the streets at an Arlington intersection to promote our message, and have some fun.
- Join us at our free monthly PAL Pizza Party to hang out, brainstorm, and prepare for our next event.
- Or PAL around with us! Join our coordinator for a bike ride and pull the PAL bike trailer.
Sign up to learn more and find out where and when we’ll be meeting at www.arlingtonpals.org.
Sam Kittner/Kittner.com
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